
Started by T-Bone, October 28, 2019, 01:00:57 PM

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Thought I'd share this quick story about symmetry.

This season, I opened my fishing year at Marco's property about 1/2 hour north of me here in Central Ohio. He has 44 acres of mostly wooded land, a beautiful house, big modern barn, and about a 2-3 acre pond. So, my first cast of the year back in late-March (guessing) was alongside Marco and Mattie. I tossed a whacky worm and caught a 2-pound bass on my first cast. Nice way to start the year.

Fast forward to this past Saturday. Marco and Mattie convince me to come up for "one last try" of fishing this season on the pond. So, after nearly bagging-out due to terrible weather (heavy rain and wind), I agree to suit-up and give it a few casts. My son Brady and I pull into the property and I see Mattie and Marco waiting outside the poles in hand...wind and rain pounding down. My son says, "Let's go..." and we get out of the car. They convince me to have a brew in the barn before we start fishing and I agree...of course. We walk into the barn and I get the proverbial "SURPRISE!!!!" Nearly all my friends and almost all my Kipawa mates are standing before me...drinks in hand...ready to fully celebrate my 55th birthday. I couldn't have been more surprised and more happy to see everyone in one place ready to pop the lid off this party. It was a great day and night, to be sure.

So, the symmetry part. Later that afternoon, rain and wind still whipping about, a few of us head down to the pond for a couple quick casts...of course led by Mattie's persistence to "at least try to catch one". I rig-up a whacky worm...make my first cast and a nice 2-pound bass. I handed the pole to my son Brady and said, "That's fishing season is officially over!"

Bookend bass...and a 55th birthday celebration I will never forget. I am truly blessed.

Embrace every only get it once

Jay Thomas

Hi Todd,

Many happy returns on your 55th birthday!

Great way to share your celebration with friends and fishing buddies. I enjoyed your symmetry story too. Thanks for sharing with us here on the board.



55 years young.

Happy Belated Birthday Todd.
Great way to get you and great way to end the season.
I guess Marko forgot to put me on the list.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


Happy Birthday T.

Nice that you managed to get in some fishing as well.


Happy birthday Todd!!

Ya, like Rhybak - I guess Marco missed us both!!  LOL... Cheers... my 52nd is later this week - I am going to try to get out on the river one last time in hopes of finding one last fish (for my own Symmetry) then the boat is going away until next year.

Cheers... Greg

Fort Wisers

Belated Happy Birthday Todd!
Very well written post.......


Sounds like a movie script T-Bone!  Surprise birthday parties are the best!  Twenty two and a half years ago after Mass on a Saturday evening, on the way home, my wife says to me that she has to stop at the Mineral City Volunteer Fire Department and talk to Sam (fire chief and son-n-law).  As we pulled in, the parking lot was full so we parked on the street.  I didn't think anything of it since they hold functions at the attached hall. I jokingly said, "I'll bet there is some good food in there,  lets sneak in, crash the party and get something to eat!"  She says "OK lets do it!"  As we entered, a thunderous " SURPRISE!" practically knocks me off my feet.  I was totally in schock!  At first, it didn't register to me what was happening.  I saw a VP from the company where I worked and wondered what the heck he was doing down here in the boonies?  The disc jockey played "I Wanna Be Bobby's Girl" on the PA system at about two million decibles, and I knew every body!  It was a birthday party for me!  It was 50's themed, music, poodle skirts, rolled up cigarettes in t-shirts sleeves etc. I had  a blast!  That was 1997, and I turned 50 then. 3 months after that, in June, was my first trip to Kipawa.  Very special memories, those surprise parties,  right T-Bone?

You don't get these days back.  Live each day as if it were your last and one day you will be right.



What a great story Todd, what a nice group of friends to put that together.

Time is passing by at light speed now that I’m approaching the same age. Enjoy 55 buddy, soon you will be 56  ;)
Walleye Rock!