Well folks,
@knuckles had a good suggestion, so let the ice out predictions begin!
I think it's safe to say it's going to be an early year and then some.
@wayne could you do the honors of being the official caller for final ice out date?
Hope everyone has had a decent winter
Let me see what we can do to drum up a prize for the lucky winner.
April 20
I'm guessing we are a week - 10 days ahead of last year.
Agree with realpro. April 22
April 29th
Aptil 26th!
I will say April 14th.
Actually its more of a wish..the sooner the better.
Put me down for April 18th
April 16th
April 1/2024
It wouldn't surprise me if it was earlier. We are at least 1 month ahead of schedule with regards to snow melt. Bring on spring.
April 7th
April 13. Why not
i am guessing the 19th of april it is one of my lucky days LOL
I'll say April 12.
Don't think I will be able to call the official ice off date this year. Not sure I will be in the area when the ice is off. Super early this year. Maybe some one else can call the date, Thanks
We are in contact with Gus and Dixie Mongrain often. As most of you would know they live beside Marys place right in front of the government docks.
Their camp is just around the corner from Sunnyside.
Last year i believe Gus was the first boat off the launch.
We also have friends in town where we park our boat.
They update us all the time about the conditions.
I can do my best to try to get the precise ice out date.
We also have the camera set up at Sunnyside which may help.
I have attached todays Sunnyside picture.
There is almost no snow left, and there are dark patches on the ice sheet.
Looks like open water under the dock by the cribs.
Thanks Knuckles for looking after the ice out date. Really busy with other commitments, see you guy's at the launch in Kipawa or our boats passing on the lake. Here's to a great fishing season!
April 10, 2024
Quote from: wayne on March 14, 2024, 05:28:32 PMDon't think I will be able to call the official ice off date this year. Not sure I will be in the area when the ice is off. Super early this year. Maybe some one else can call the date, Thanks
No worries at all Wayne, have a great season this year!
Quote from: knuckles on March 15, 2024, 06:13:56 PMWe are in contact with Gus and Dixie Mongrain often. As most of you would know they live beside Marys place right in front of the government docks.
Their camp is just around the corner from Sunnyside.
Last year i believe Gus was the first boat off the launch.
We also have friends in town where we park our boat.
They update us all the time about the conditions.
I can do my best to try to get the precise ice out date.
We also have the camera set up at Sunnyside which may help.
I have attached todays Sunnyside picture.
There is almost no snow left, and there are dark patches on the ice sheet.
Looks like open water under the dock by the cribs.
This all sounds great, thanks!
April 15
April 25.
Definitely could be earlier, crazy winter for lack of ice (mid/south Ontario). wonder how that will impact early season walleye.
John, that's some wishful thinking eh?
April 24 for me.
About 5 weeks from today.
My brother Sledhead is guessing April 23rd.
According to knuckles updates, seems we might be getting close to ice out....
Here's where we're at so far:
April 1st - Rhybak
April 2nd - campkipawa
April 7th - Chazz
April 10th - RickOnt
April 12th - NortonJoe
April 13th - Jig and drift
April 14th - knuckles
April 15th - hinorth
April 16th - michelle
April 18th - Erin
April 19th - laktrouter
April 20th - reelpro
April 22nd - puckster_guy
April 23rd - Sledhead
April 24th - limacharley
April 25th - Kyle Skelding
April 26th - Oarin
April 29th - NovarDave
If anyone notices any errors in the above please let us know and we'll correct!
Quote from: limacharley on March 21, 2024, 10:40:34 AMJohn, that's some wishful thinking eh?
April 24 for me.
About 5 weeks from today.
I would have been fine if the darn winter didn't come back
My trout pond has an aerator and there's still plenty of ice. Only open where the bubbles come up if there's wind.
It'll be a couple weeks at least. My native friend was ice fishing Hunter's lake last week and he said there was still 16 inches of ice.
Second Chance
I see April 17 is open
Warmer weather is in the forcast starting this upcoming weekend.
I thought i would share some pics that my friends took easter weekend.
The pics from town were from Dixie Mongrain, and the shot of the ottawa river was taken March 31st by Myles Joly.
That's outstanding! Thanks Stu!
Great pics! Any idea where on the Ottawa river that is
@knuckles ?
Quote from: Fort Wisers on April 05, 2024, 11:15:15 AMGreat pics! Any idea where on the Ottawa river that is @knuckles ?
Myles told me it was north of Temiscaming...if that helps any.
Here is a shot from todayApril 6th from town.
Ok photodump from town today...enjoy.
Does the water ever look clear! l
Wow, I didn't realize they dropped the water that much in the fall
From the government launch April 7th.
Great pics
@knuckles, hard not to miss the place seeing those shots!
Looks like it won't be long now...
Look how low the water is and no snowmelt to bring it up again.
I hope they get enough rain to help.
This picture was sent to us yesterday.
We were told the ice sheet is basically now slush.
Like Rybak stated, we really need some good rain to bring up the lake levels.
I had read on a post from Dixie that the lake is starting to rise, but slowly.IMG_20240410_115327.jpg
Wont be long now
Going back to camp for the summer on Monday. Nice pics.
Quote from: puckster_guy on April 11, 2024, 07:49:52 AMGoing back to camp for the summer on Monday. Nice pics.
Nice! Hopefully we will see you sometime soon.
Another bit of a photo dump, enjoy the pics.
Looks really close! Wonder how the north part of the lake is doing? Either way it appears were close to Kipawa being ice free. Bring on boating season.
Quote from: Campkipawa on April 12, 2024, 07:02:30 AMEither way it appears were close to Kipawa being ice free. Bring on boating season.
Can't wait to get back! :)
Looks like open water at Sunnyside today.
Not sure if all the lake is open.
Yesterday the main bay opened and some folks crossed the bay to the hogsback.
There was still ice in jawbone, and we still had ice at sunnyside.
Today we have no ice at sunnyside.
I cant speak for the Hunters Lake area, perhaps someone can verify.
Otherwise i would put iceout as today...April 13th..
View from town today
The ice always hangs up at Hunter's Narrows but there's never anyone that could verify besides Wayne.
I'll see if Blaster is going in. Stay tuned.
Looks like area from Kipawa to Hunter's Narrows mostly clear per satellite view from Wednesday. NE and NW arms still have ice...but probably cleared by now.
<iframe src="https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?v=-80.81812085702077,45.51751285597021,-76.54814806189756,47.56131754280263&z=2&l=Coastlines_15m,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor&lg=false&t=2024-04-10-T12%3A34%3A01Z&em=true" role="application" sandbox="allow-modals allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-popups" width="100%" height="100%" allow="fullscreen; autoplay;" loading="lazy"></iframe>
That big white clump looks like an ice dam at Hunter's Narrows.
Still a few days I think.
With boats out on the water over the weekend, I think it would be safe to say Ice Out on April 13th.
Seems the consensus so far is April 13th....
We will leave this preliminary date up for a few days for other to agree / disagree then from there we can make the final call and announce the winner!
Haha and just to make things a little more interesting...
Paul from kipawa outpost posted on instagram that ice was out on April 12th...he took his plane up the first time this year.
Well folks, to make it easy, let's just stick with April 13th as the official "ice off day" for 2024.
This puts
@Jig and drift as the official winner!
Congrats, we'll send you a pm with getting you a little prize!
Cheers everyone have a great season:
KFF Admin Team
Well this proves that blind luck does work occasionally. I wish I could have passed some of that luck on to the Leafs last night, and in this series, but that obviously didn't happen. I would really like to thank the great people that run this forum for all the work they do. The upgrade is great and everything you do to keep it running is really appreciated. Thank you for all you do!
Congrats Dave!