I truly love the Kipawa area. It is God's heaven on earth. My husband and I love fishing for pike, however we do spend some time chasing walleye also. We normally fish at Lake Ogascanan with the Mullens who are great hosts. Hope others will soon join this forum for sharing memories and fish stories of the Kipawa area.
Hi All
Just thought I would tell a little about myself. I have never been to lake kipawa but have been going to Lake Ogascanan for quite a few years. I like pike fishing the most but walleye get some time devoted to them. I have been coming to Canada since 1983. That is the only thing that has kept me as sane as I am.
I started fishing walleye (at my Father's knee) in the early 50s in the western basin of Lake Erie out of Colchester, Ontario (20 miles south of Detroit, Michigan). I moved to Ottawa in the mid 60s to start a career. The fishing enthusiasts I met in Ottawa were all trout fishermen so I fished trout (rainbows, speckles and lakers) exclusively until 2001. Finally in 2001 I was able to convince some trout fishing buddies to give walleye fishing a try in the Abitibi-Témiscaming region of Quebec. Since 2001, I have fished for walleye in Lac Ogascanan (1 trip), Lac Sasseginaga (1 trip), Lac Kiwissi (1 trip), Lac Bay (8 trips) and Lac Kipawa (17 trips). Francine and I have been married 44 years this coming Oct and we have two wonderful grandsons (Dawson (7) and Cooper (5)).
"You all know me. You know how I make a livin'."
- Quint
T-Bone Jones, or Todd Ross...whichever you prefer. Most of my friends call me either T-Bone or Bone....so please do the same. I've been up through all of Ontario fishing since I was 8 y/o...42 years strong and still at it every year...at least once a year. This is year 15 on Lake Kipawa with no plans to stop that in sight.
I'm a Clevelander by birth, but live in Columbus, Ohio since I graduated university in 1987. I'm still, somehow, a big Browns and Indians fan...as hard as that is (so back off yinz Pittsburgh folks and go play with some gum bands in your shopping buggy). ;D
By day I'm a VP of Marketing at a healthcare equipment firm, by evening I'm a dad of two teenagers and hubby to a wife of 24 years. Weekends you'll find me in my yard putzing around, golfing, fishing, and enjoying life with the people I know as my friends and family. I try to keep it simple and live by one basic rule...embrace every moment because you only get it once. One other rule I live by too, but this one requires a bit more balance...never cheat yourself. For my rules, I can confidently say that I do and I don't.
So that's me.
85 baby...and I don't mean maybe....
- Bone.
I see you as a very lucky man
'I wish my wife was 24 years old. ;D :D ;)
HA HA HA!!! Well, I got engaged to her when she was 24...and that was about 24 years ago. :P
And yes...I am a lucky man...and I'm thankful for it every day...
Go T-Bone ;) ;). Oh I forgot, your not as old as I am. RHYBAK your toooooo old for a 24 year old!
I'm 41, married and no kids but not for a lack of tryin' ;)... Born in MD, lived in the Burgh I left for college and then served in the US Nuclear Navy. Lived all over the world, have seen 31 countries so far (in large part thanks to serving the country but do love to travel), rode motorcycles for 16 years accident free, climbed Mt Fuji (at night) and swam in the middle of the Atlantic ocean in 3 mile deep water = #humbling, #WatchOutForMegladon! Currently the Lone Star State is where I hang my hat...
I'm a mechanical engineer by education, a nuclear engineer by training and safety engineer for a transportation company for a paycheck. I enjoy wrenching on anything mechanical (Harley factory trained technician so I do a bit of that on the side in my garage for friends) anything outdoors... I love being on the water, offroading/ overlanding in our Toyotas, camping, golfing, tasting different microbrews, workout enough to feel healthy and spend time with my family and friends...
Fishing has been a passion as long as I can remember... Canada waters for walleye since I was a 7... started on Lake Nipissing (which was my Gpa's favorite spot back in the day for pickeral) and we stayed on the lil Sturgeon River there at various lodges; Meadowside and Riverside to name a couple. In 2008 (once off active duty) we started back up our family fishing trips... Since both Gpa's had passed, it was me (Dog), my dad (Flag), my two uncle's (SgtCrabby and Unc) and recently my brother in law (Dime) and his brother (Doc) have joined in on the family tradition. 2008/2009 saw us give Island10 a try in Ontario, 2010 we went to Land of the Ozarks due to work constraints... ugh, never again there. 2011-2014 we patroned smith pass outpost on Lake Ogascanan. 2015 we gave TBL a shot...returned to Lake O for 2016-2019. 2020 will be a Lake Erie trip
Shake it easy,
I will be the big 4 oh in August, and the same month will have been married to my wife for 19 years. We have 4 awesome kids, one of which is going to be a senior in high school next school year, and the youngest who will be starting preschool. :o We sure spread them out, didn't we?
When I graduated high school I went to work with my father who owns a plumbing business. Most of our spare time is spent on the kids sports and school functions.
Growing up we would travel 600 miles north to this remote cabin in the woods on lake Kipawa. My great grandparents had stumbled onto it during a boat ride and the history began more than 65 years ago. Since then my grandparents, aunts and uncles would use the cabin mostly during the summer months. Interestingly enough we didn't go up to fish much. It was just a place of peace to get away from the rest of the world, and adventure in the woods. In the more recent years many of you have helped me to learn how to fish Kipawa.
I check in on this and the kipawa.net site daily to get a glimpse of what is going on up north on the lake that I grew to love as a kid, as now my kids do also.
I won the draft ‘lottery’ and spent time in the US Army as a combat engineer & geodetic surveyor. Since the military, I have worked as a construction inspector and for the last 30+ years working for USDA as a Cartographer.
I'm have three grown daughters with my late wife & 2 grandkids and I have 2 steps with my second wife. I am a native Texan .
I didn't know what walleye were until 2008 when we restarted Dog's family tradition of an annual Candian fishing trip.
I'm 44 years old, live in Leeper, PA. I am married and have five dogs. I work at a monument shop here in leeper. I sell, design, cut and set headstones. Some of my interests besides fishing are, Pheasant hunting in the Dakotas, and whitetail hunting. My Uncle owned a camp on Lake Nipissing, at the mouth of the South River Drift Inn Camp. I spent seven summers there as a teenager working and fishing ;D. About five years ago I made my first trip to kipawa and was hooked. Couple years later went again, this year I finally get to go back, and this time my wife is going with me. This will be her first trip to Kipawa, Excited to go!
I was born an only child on a farm in rural NW Pa near Franklin. My folks had me and decided enough of this nonsense. :) I suffer from a workaholic syndrome coupled with lack-a-fishing-itis. I have come to the conclusion as a kid there were no other siblings to pass the work onto, so it was just me. Possibly spoiled but know the meaning of work all too well. I unfortunately fell in love with cows along time ago which may not have been the best thing that could have happened. Anyone who has been around agriculture knows its not very lucrative. I am currently a milk tester traveling to a group of 31 farms each month taking milk samples and management information, producing reports for the dairymen to use for management of their herds. I am a milk tester in the am, website owner of some Amazon sites by day (latest is www.goshopdashboardcameras.com (http://www.goshopdashboardcameras.com)) and milk tester by night mixed in with a little sleep.
My first husband, who passed away in 97, and I have one special needs daughter age 36 who lives in a group home. In 2000, I married my best buddy, John C and he has two daughters a little older, late thirties and early forties, with 2 cute granddaughters. But it doesn't look like they are going to be fishergirls much to our dismay.
As a kid spent some time fishing Pymatuming and lake Erie, but as I got older, thought I didn't have time. When John and I got married, we were going through some of my stuff and found my last fishing license, 23 years old. I have had one every year since and look forward to retirement to spend more time on the water. John has been going to Canada since 1983 and for me only since 2000. If I had my way, we would spend the summer up there, but I don't see that happening. I consider that area our heaven on earth.
I live in Ohio and have been fishing near Kipawa in Lac Watson, Grassy and Wolf Lake for the last 29 years. I was introduced to Canada fishing by my former wife's father who, unfortunately, passed away two years after we first went to Watson Lake. Lake Watson is filled with memories and we just continue to have alot of great times and look forward to alot more in the future. I generally travel to the area with a group of buddies which included my son until things got busy with work and school for him. Hopefully he will be back in the future!
I am employed as an attorney in Akron, Ohio, am married and have three kids, 25, 22 and 19.
I am a funeral director and have lived in Lancaster, PA all of my life except for 5 years spent in Pittsburgh for college and mortuary school. The time I spent in Pittsburgh was long enough to turn me into an avid Steelers and Penguins fan. 28 years ago I married my beautiful wife who taught me how to fish and to this day out fishes me on most outings. We have 3 sons who were born with fishing rods in their hands. Over the years we have spent lots of time trout fishing in the Mountains of Central Pennsylvania and striper fishing on the Chesapeake Bay but as the kids get older and are involved in sports year round it is getting tougher and tougher to find the time. Nothing gives me more pleasure than our whole family fishing together. We have made trips to Canada, the last 2 to Taggart Bay and we are really hooked on the area. We are headed back this year and plan on making it an annual trip for us. On our trips my cell phone is turned off and I really enjoy the peace and quietness of Lake Kipawa.
Hello Everyone. I've been called Captain Crappie for about 40 years That name was bestowed on me by fellow co-worker and friend (Commander Bluegill) due to my ability to catch crappies. Captain Crappie was an upgrade from Lard Ass, so Captain Crappie it was, and still is.
I've been married to Faye for 33 years. She says she's put up with me for 33 years. It's all relative, I guess. We have 4 kids, 13 grand kids, and 1 great grand chlid. Some how that makes us great grand parents.
I'm retired, having quit the rat race as soon as I could. Translated, that means to a lot of Americans, when you can get or afford healthcare coverage till you're eligible for Medicare. Constantly losing the race to the rats got old. I do on occasion re-enter the race when my former employer asks for help, only now, I dictate the terms.
I have loved to fish ever since my Dad took me fishing when I was 5 years old. That was in June, 1952, almost 62 years ago, and I remember that trip like it was yesterday. For the past 3o years there hasn't been a fishing trip that I haven't thought of Dad. Some day I can only hope to be as fortunate.
This year God willing, will be the 18 th consecutive trip to 3 Seasons Camp. Everyone knows that there is a bug in the water of Kipawa, that after that bugs bites you, it requires you to return. Picture this, it's in the evening, the sun is beginning to set below the horizon, the wind begins to rest, the haunting call of the loons off in the distance almost put you asleep, as the serenity and beauty of the moment demands and gets your attention..... Then.... Hey! Where's my bobber?
I was named Commander Bluegill by Captain Crappie's wife because she thought he needed supervision and she figured a commander outranked a captain. So...
I am a 63 yr. old retiree who has loved to fish since the first time I picked up a rod & reel. Fishing is the second greatest joy in my life. The first is my deceased wife, Diane, who I lost 2 yrs. ago after 39 yrs., 7 months, 2 weeks and 4 days of marriage and an 8 yr. battle with cancer. Caring for her was the only thing that could keep me away from Kipawa and I have missed 4 of the 18 years we planned our trips as a result.
Diane always wanted to spend her winters in Florida so I am blessed to find myself with a home in Florida as well as Ohio. In my winters yellow tail snapper become my walleye and barracuda become my northern pike because I am blessed to have a friend with a big boat who lives in the Keys and loves to fish. I also surf fish in Canaveral national Seashore and chase crappies in Lake Harney. I don't have to shovel anything in the winter and really don't give a crap when the ice is off ;) I stay in Florida until the asparagus begins to sprout in the garden and my Ohio neighbors start to complain about the uncut grass in my yard ::)
I have three lovely daughters and four grandchildren. All of them have fished with the Captain and I over the years. I have had more adventures and misadventures (on the water and on land) with the Captain than I can ever hope to remember. We still have fun creating new memories and then remembering (or misremembering) them at our leisure. Our wives always wondered when we were going to grow up and we still don't have an answer ;D ;D ;D We never had the heart to tell them we made a mutual promise never to grow up!!
As my grandchildren like to say, it's all good!
Commander Bluegill
See what I deal with here on a daily basis? Any Navy guy knows that a Captain out ranks a Commander every day of the week and twice on Sundays!
hi Guys. I'm a 57 yr old lunatic reliving my childhood ever since the kids moved out a couple of yrs ago. Even let my hair grow out past my shoulders just on a whim. Wasn't even this long in high school. :) I have 3 kids 2 girls 28 and 25 and a son 23. One of my girls graduated with a masters degree with honors and the other girl is working on a masters course in her field on a part time basis while working full time to boot. My son is working on getting into a building trade(apprenticeship). the old man is working building aircraft in Toronto hoping to retire at 62.
the puckster_guy name comes from hockey obviously. In winter I play 2 nights a week and on monday nights in summer. It won't get rid of a beer belly (nevermind the two-four in the dressing room ;) ) but it keeps me in good shape and it's a lot of fun.
I too spent most of my life fishing. been all over Ontario and a few of the back lakes around Kipawa. I kept my boat on georgian bay near the midland area for 15 yrs till i got my place on Kipawa about 3 yrs ago. Now I don't fish anywhere else. I haven't renewed my ontario licence since then.
other things i do for fun? music, I have a large album(vinyl) and tons of CD's. I saw a lot of the major bands in the 70's (floyd, clapton santana, elp etc.) still try to catch a good bar band or the occasional concert. I read some, love to debate (i'm sure you've noticed lol) That's me in a nutshell
Good morning ,
I was a member of Kipawa.net since 2009 and like everywhere else, change is inevitable.I live on a lake near Mercer pa . and probably less than 25 miles from our new administrator(thanks to her by the way). Work in a local bank in the wealth management division. NO the mortgage mess wasn't my fault as I never took a loan app in 38 years. Staring the big 60 in the face this year but don't feel a day over 59. Have a son and a daughter and two grandchildren and the 6 year old just caught his first trout a couple of weeks ago at the camp near Westline pa. Divorced for about 5 years and my girlfriend and I had 35 years between dates.
Started coming to Canada on family vacations in the 60s as dad hauled us to the French River, Lake Nipissing and Pigeon Lake in the Kawarthas. After marriage and kids I didn't make it back til the late 80s when my buddy one day asked if I would like to go on a fly in to Bush Country .My Ex said I should go as it is that "once in a lifetime" trip.. It has since been referred to as the annual once in a lifetime trip as I have been going there for the past 25 years , sometimes twice a year and missing one. Over the years the group has changed from 4 to 6 to 12 to most recently two of us . A few including my dad are no longer with us but I was able to reintroduce him to the Canadian fishing and he caught a 11.5 lb walleye on his 75th birthday. My son went for several years starting at age 9 and hopefully will go back again .
Obviously I love the remote fishing and Bush country camp but sure it is not that different from Kipawa. There are certain things that stick from many trips but in addition to dads walleye, my sons 16 lb pike ,seeing the northern lights, the plane trips in the early years, the first drive in when dad thought we were lost and would never get to fish . one of the biggest thrills is introducing new people to the paradise. Looking forward to another trip on June 7. Thanks and look forward to communicating with you all.
Good day,
As a kid, I always loved fishing and have fond memories of sneaking into the farmer's bass hole early on Sunday mornings :-X and catching pike at the dam not far from where I grew up (Heidelberg, ON). While attending university in St. Catharines for a Physical Geography, I met my wife and we started along our journey. She was wonderful, but then I found out her parents owned lake front on Baptiste Lake, ON, her father enjoyed a beer occasionally and loved to fish, and was a fisheries biologist. Soon after, we were married (my wife and I that is...). My father-in-law has been travelling to Bush Country Camp for about 20 years. He met the previous owner through the curling club in Bancroft. It took a few years, but soon after I married his daughter, he decided I was 'ready'. I also had a RAM Quad Cab that could haul his gear in a bit easier than his Astro van...:) That was 8 years ago now and it has been heaven every June since.
Closer to home my wife and I have two great kids who enjoy fishing alot. My son (almost 9), and my daughter (6) have both spent alot time in the boat with me. Last summer the whole family took a trip to BCC (trip report on the other forum). We all enjoy the outdoors and spend time camping in the Provinicial Parks each year.
This year I turn 40 just before heading into camp on June 7th. It has been a busy year at work as a lead software developer. Looking forward to taking a week off out of cell phone range...
Hello All! I'm 24 years old. I live near Parkersburg, WV. I am a teacher who teaches Social Studies, specifically WV History. I am not married, but will be this upcoming October.
I have been going to Canada to fish since 2004. This will make my 8th trip this year, missing 2 years due to being in school. Last year we traveled to Lake Ogascanan, and we will be returning there again this June. Before Ogascanan, we fished with Air Ivanhoe in Foleyet, Ontario for several years, fishing 3 years at Biggs Lake, 3 years at Schewbic Lake, and 1 years at Bonar Lake. Before Air Ivanhoe, we traveled with their brother in Chapleau, Ontario and fished the same Bonar lake for 2 years.
I love fishing. When not in Canada, I like to go to a local pay pond to catfish! Last year, I fished in an hourly tournament where I caught a small 10lb. catfish. I won the hourly tournament and found myself in the tournament of champions in October. That day, I went 5 hours early to get the spot I wanted to get. I ended up catching a 12lb and 8lb, fish with an hour to go in the tournament. I was behind by about 16 pounds, when I landed a huge 37lb. 7oz. catfish. I won the tournament with about 57 lbs. of catfish. I earned a new combo rod and reel, a trophy, and $280 in cash!
Glad to have this board. I check it about 2-3 times a day! Hope to learn more about the Kipawa area through this board! Take care and God Bless you all!
I'm 66, taught 6th grade here in upstate NY for 36 years and have been retired for 6 years. My wife( an innie, not an outie) and I have been married for 43 years and have a son, who now makes a trip to TBL Outpost with me each year, a daughter, and 2 adorable grand daughters. My first trip to Quebec was in 1990 to the Gouin Reservoir down the road to Clova, better known as the road from heck. Since then my fishing partner, Capt. Guy, and I have gone to Lac Matchi-Manitau for several years and for the last 16 years to Taggarts Bay Lodge. I used to ice fish here in the Finger Lakes of NYS, but my knees put an end to that. I like to work in my yard and garden, read novels, travel to places I taught about, and having grown up in a suburb of Buffalo, am an avid Buffalo Bills. I got my start fishing for carp and suckers as a boy in Ellicot Creek in Tonawanda, and on annual family vacations to Cedar Point State Park in the1000 Islands. Been hooked ever since.
Hi All, Rambler here. Just registered today and I see the gangs all here. Very easy to register and already posted a pic. Wow, that was easy!! If you've recieved any of our dvd's in the past you know who we are. Next trip will be at TBL, June 19-Aug 2. Great website!!
Thanks again for all your hard work,
is that a typo or are you getting 6 weeks???
John (aka MrsPikie)
Quote from: rambler on May 07, 2014, 02:05:50 PM
Hi All, Rambler here. Just registered today and I see the gangs all here. Very easy to register and already posted a pic. Wow, that was easy!! If you've recieved any of our dvd's in the past you know who we are. Next trip will be at TBL, June 19-Aug 2. Great website!!
Thanks again for all your hard work,
Wow, you're going for 6 weeks?
You're lucky
Hi all, I'm 50 couple years old and live in Pa. Been going north for 25 or so years. just can't get enough of Canada. Last 8 or so years have been to TBL. My better half and I will be there from 6-21 to 7-4. You guys and girls have a good thing going here. Rick
Mark Ross, but better know as Marco. I've been working for the Big Red Machine, better known as Verizon for the last 26 years. As Chico Escuela (aka, Garret Morris from SNL) would say "Verizon been very, very good to me.."
I will have been married for 24 years on June 16th to my sweetie Mary. No kids, so we have a lot of fun island hopping and living at our 44 acre ranch in central Ohio. Farm pond included which allows me to fish from March - November!
Tbone and I have been doing the Canada adventure since our dads and grandfather started taking us up in the early 70s. This will be the 26th straight year me an Bone have made at least a 1 week trip to the promised land, and hopefully I will make it for 26 more.
Hi everyone - TbayBoy aka Sean of "Sean and Julia" from the other board. 40 something born and raised in NW ontario trolling worm harnesses and spoons now living in Toronto and working on my bass game but I gotta get my walleye fix Kipawa sure is a great place to do it. been going to Kipawa for a few years now (#4 in a few short weeks at 3 seasons camp).
Great to see the gang here, looking forward to hearing how everyones trips are - can't wait to get my hands on more of these:
Hi all! My name is Michelle and my partner is Stewart. To be honest, I don't do a lot of posting, not a pro fisherman but have started fishing again the last couple of years and enjoying it immensely. We are originally from Elliot Lake, moved to Temiscaming and purchased our camp near Hunter's Point in 2004. We absolutely love it there...and try to get there as often as we can. We have since moved to Sudbury so the trip is a little longer now but I won't complain seeing how far so many of you have to drive to get to Kipawa :)
We have 6 kids and one beautiful granddaughter and 3 dogs that keep us busy....
Nice site by the way, love reading all the posts and am looking forward to reading a lot more about fellow Kipawa lovers....
Hi my name is Mike or "Pike Mike" as I was soon called by my fishing crew after developing a knack enticing the big monsters to strike years ago .I live and work in Hamilton Ontario ,working as a trade specialist /millwright at Arcelor Mittal Dofasco(integrated steel mill) for the past 33 years .I have been very lucky to have had a family cottage at Peacock Point Lake Erie my entire life .Fishing for smallies from out 14 ft aluminum is something my boys,my elderly father and I love to do . Our Kipawa fishing crew was started by our leader Smurf who happens to work at Coca Cola Hamilton as a maintenance technician ,thus we are known as the Coke Crew from the Hammer . We have been fishing out of 3 Seasons camp for the past 15 years loving every minute .This year Smurf ,Fro ,1/2 Inch ,Chucky and myself will be headed up again June 14-21 competed for the coveted "Spring Classic Invitational "trophy .Cant wait ..Heaven awaits
For the new members, we all like to become a little better acquainted with everyone. Share a little about yourself.
Hi folks, here's my story. I started fishing with my grandfather on small Quebec trout lakes. When I was old enough to drink, I was allowed to tag along on my dad's annual fly-in trip for walleye (we called them "doré") at a club my grandfather founded with his buddies, just off the Gouin reservoir. Was I ever lucky! We went there for years until the cabin burned down. Since then, my fishing has been mostly from a canoe, at the cottage or on trips to La Verendrye park, Temagami, and Zec Kipawa. I live in Montreal with my partner Jane who more than willingly signs up for these adventures. We decided to spoil ourselves this year and enjoy Kipawa a different way - with an outfitter. Whispering Pines, here we come....
You'll love Whispering Pines...absolutely love it. What week are you going up? Here's your view from the front door...
(http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk142/toddrross/KIpawa%202012/TBP1.jpg) (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/toddrross/media/KIpawa%202012/TBP1.jpg.html)
Ahhhhhhhhhh 8)
Thanks for that, T-Bone. As if I wasn't already drooling with anticipation.
We head out August 9. 19 days to go!
Hi..My name is Gary Gauthier...aka Goach...I'm from Barrie Ontario and fish Kipawa at least twice per year...Once with the guys in the Spring , Mid summer and Fall with my wife....Been going for about 10 years now...Have always fished the south end of the lake and will start to fish from Alwaki in August....I have fished all over Ontario for just about anything that swims....Kipawa is one of my favourites for its beauty, cheap beer and its only a 4 hour drive from my door to the Government dock...Looking forward to being a part of the Kipawa discussions...
Quote from: Goach15 on July 24, 2014, 11:56:48 AM
Hi..My name is Gary Gauthier...aka Goach...I'm from Barrie Ontario and fish Kipawa at least twice per year...Once with the guys in the Spring , Mid summer and Fall with my wife....Been going for about 10 years now...Have always fished the south end of the lake and will start to fish from Alwaki in August....I have fished all over Ontario for just about anything that swims....Kipawa is one of my favourites for its beauty, cheap beer and its only a 4 hour drive from my door to the Government dock...Looking forward to being a part of the Kipawa discussions...
do you go up with Paul from Barrie?
Hey Goach I lived about 25 yrs in the barrie area. Thornton for 20 yrs and Barrie for 5. I moved back to Toronto cause i got sick of the commute. My son and a daughter still live in barrie. I used to fish Geogian bay from Waubaushene to Midland.
New to this site, I was wondering why there was so little action on the other when gearing up for my trip in a few weeks. Glad I found you.
Little about me. In my late 30s living in South Carolina for the last 12 years, so I've got a drive to make it up. From SE Ohio originally. Grew up fishing Ohio river mainly cats and bass, married into the walleye fishing of Canada eleven years ago and glad I was introduced to it. We take a family trip with the inlaws to Nipissing in the summer and go back to Kipawa in Sept with my father in law and a few other guys. Mainly jig for wallys, have tried some trolling and slip bobbering.
Away from canada I work in pharma, have gotten into deer hunting the last few years, married with a 15 month old son, Hap! and hope to be able to take him on a guys trip to Kipawa in the future. He did take his first trip to Nipissing a couple weeks ago.
Welcome to the site.
Hello all, I'm 46 and my name is Jeff. I'm married to my wonderful wife, best friend, hunting and fishing buddy. We have four children and seven grand children.
Started fishing Canada Lake Nipissing around 1973, was looking for a better place to fish next year. I started my searching in Quebec, liked the look of the Kipawa area and found this board.
I knew a couple people who fished in Quebec and really liked it. I have a friend Kevin who went fishing in 2010, to at what I knew at the time, north of North Bay.
I got in contact with him, he might join the forum soon. He is Johnny Walleye's Brother-n-law, I don't think John will mind me telling that. BTW pink is Kevin's color.
Anyway it just so happened that Johnny Walleye and Kevin had an open seat, man did I get lucky. So rather than wait till next year to explore the area, I jumped right on the offer. I am glad I did because I truly love the area and hope to make it an annual trip.
Thanks, Jeff
Hello everybody, I'm from down in WV. I really enjoy the site, I've been following along for some time on this site and the old one. Never got around to registering and posting until now. I am married with two teenage kids, between work and kids we don't have a lot of free time. My first trip to Canada was close to thirty years ago now. We went for several years to the Marten River/Temagami area off and on. Then in 2009 my son and I went with some guys at work to Lake Ogascanan . Had a great time, love reading the trip reports from that lake. Last 4 years I've taken my wife and kids with another family we are friends with to some cabins on Lake Remigny. Since the first year they have asked to go back, so we have. I told them not to threaten me with a good time!!. We also fish when we can at home. Mostly crappie and muskie. In the fall and winter we hunt and trap. Thanks again for a great site!! Love the Kipawa area!!
Hello all. The name is Steve and I am born and raised in Ontario. Having lived in Northern Ontario (Sault Ste Marie) for my younger years I grew to appreciate the wonders that fishing secluded lakes and rivers could bring. Fast forward and I have lived in Southern Ontario (Guelph/Kitchener area) for more than 30 years now. With a grown family (a son and daughter) my wife of 30+ years and I are starting to enjoy the wonders of grand kids with the birth of our first 18 months ago. Another young soul to teach the fishing bug to, she has already caught on to seeing a boat, pointing at it and yelling "fishee's".
I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the members here through the old board. Others I have spoken with through postings. In all I found the comments by Commander Crappie to be very true in that "there is a bug in the water" in lake Kipawa. Once you get it you just cannot get rid of it. My first excursion to the lake was to 3 Seasons with our previous host Jerry. Since then I have had many good years of memories and have added Alwaki (Whispering Pines and the main lodge) to my list of great fishing spots.
This year I will be going back to 3 seasons after being away from the lake for 2 years. I began the task of completing my advanced education 2 years ago and then suddenly life threw some small curves at me that just put the annual trip on the back burner. A flood forced a major basement remodel, my daughter found that she was pregnant so we turned our basement woes into a positive by building an apartment down there for her baby. I have one more year and I'll be done the courses but I just cannot let another year go by without visiting my favorite remote lake.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to fish Kipawa with many different people. I have been there alone, with family, with friends as well as with complete strangers (people posting they are looking for someone to fish with) and I have never had an experience on Kipawa that I would say was bad. Again, it must be the water, but even when I ended up with a fishing buddy that drove me mad (did someone say bear?) I still left the lake with memories that will last a lifetime. Sharing a beverage at the fire, enjoying the freshly cooked catch of the day, watching the fireworks from the dock, or simply relaxing on the porch for an afternoon siesta makes all of the troubles fade away and seam just too trivial to worry about.
So, with that slightly long winded introduction, I'd like to say "Hey" to all of you and I look forward to reading and sharing.
Hi Steve welcome back. So glad you can join us again.
That "bug in the water" mcsteve and cc talk about really starts itching this time of the year !!!
Hello fellow Kipawa fans. My name is Rich, I am 45 with 2 great kids and wife of 20 years. I am from WV and love the Kipawa area. I started going up with my uncle almost 20 years ago with friends of his from temiscimang(sp?). I made several trips chasing pike at Goeland and walleye at Kipawa and Brennen (sairs) before kids changed my travel plans. Have only made it once in the last 8 years but look forward to taking kids and my nieces and nephews in the near future. Found this site online and love reading about the place I miss. My nephew wants me take him on a canoe trip to restigo after he graduates next year? Would be a fun trip as long as we didn't get lost??? Anyway look forward to everyone's tadventure posts, fishing reports and tips. Thanks again for the site, love it.
Rich. welcome to the forum sir!
if you don't mind or maybe a moderator can copy and paste your post to this thread... http://kipawafishingforum.net/index.php?topic=3.30
Hi all i just wanted to let everybody know a little about myself. I started going to Canada back in yearly 70s with my parents around Shinning Tree than started flying into Gouin Res for about 6 years in the 90s. Now 4 of us have been going into Lake Sasseginaga for pass 3 years and are planning to do until my body can handle it. I grew up in the Titusville area fishing mostly trout and pan fish but always remember that first pike and walleye i caught in Canada.We always go about the 3rd week in June and stay with the Mullens at one of there outpost cabins. The bugs are bad but the fishing is great. Nice site
Quote from: Tree cutter on February 08, 2015, 05:46:57 PM
Hi all i just wanted to let everybody know a little about myself. I started going to Canada back in yearly 70s with my parents around Shinning Tree than started flying into Gouin Res for about 6 years in the 90s. Now 4 of us have been going into Lake Sasseginaga for pass 3 years and are planning to do until my body can handle it. I grew up in the Titusville area fishing mostly trout and pan fish but always remember that first pike and walleye i caught in Canada.We always go about the 3rd week in June and stay with the Mullens at one of there outpost cabins. The bugs are bad but the fishing is great. Nice site
@Tree cutter Welcome to the forum! nice to see another PA'er on the forum....
blah blah blah
Great to find this site!
I'm a newbie of three years going to Kipawa and plan to spend as much time as possible there this year and many more.
I'm a bass angler by heart but enjoy walleye and pike as well.
Reside in Muskoka Ontario so I'm only a short three hour drive away.
Hello All,
New poster here, but have been reading the board since day 1, just procrastinated to sign up. Was part of Kipawa.net towards the end. Little bit about myself, I'm 29 years old, married, with 1 little girl (year and a half old), from just south of North Bay, about 1.5hr drive to the docks at Kipawa. I work for the Governemnt of Canada as a Corrections officer, and in my spare time I'm an avid snowmobiler and fisherman. For all the PA residents here, I'm also a huge Pens fan as I grew up in the prime Lemeuix/Jagr years, so I am a bandwagon jumper, just not the typical Crosby/ Malkin bandwagoner. I come down to Pittsburgh once or twice a year to cacth a game, so if theres and Pens/Pirates or Steelers season ticket holders on here who want to sell a couple tickets from time to time, let me know!
I am fourtunate enough that my folks purchased a place on Kipawa 2 years ago, which they love to have their kids and grandkids visit them at often, and allow us to have time to ourselves there as well. So I usaully get to fish the waters of Kipawa a few times each year. We are located at the south end of the lake, so the pickral fishing is not as good as some of you in the Hunter Lake area are accustom to, but it picks up later in the season, and I love Dipsy diving and Lead coring for lakers , which are plentiful at our end of the lake.
That is me in a nut schell and I look forward to sharing information and memeories about the gem that is Kipawa on here.
Hi Everyone,
I have been a member of the forum since not too long after it was created but was also a member of the old (now defunct?) forum for many years and spent most of my time there.
I'm happy to see this one has taken off! Great work everyone!
To be honest I hadn't checked out either forum in about a year as sometimes that just how life gets!
I lived in North Bay for all of my teenage years but moved away for work after college (seems so long ago now!).
My wife, our two daughters (currently aged 6 and 3) and I, now live just south of Ottawa.
For as long as I can remember I spent literally every summer (and spring to open up and thanksgiving to close down and the occasional winter to check on things) with my family on Kipawa, so for me it feels like home.
(My mother's side is from Temiscaming and I'm proud to say a road heading into jawbone bay is named after my great grandfather! He and my grandfather put that road in well before my time.)
My wife and I were fortunate enough to purchase a camp on Kipawa a couple of years ago, but due to our own family dynamics decided to sell last year (usual story: too long a drive, too hard with young kids blah blah).
Miss the place, but such is life.
I plan on trying my best to raise my kids as much as I can in and around Kipawa (still have a lot of family with camps on the lake).
So, this year, we'll be up there in July at Miwapanee outpost camp in Dead Bear Bay.
Looking forward to it!
The kids started fishing as soon as they could walk but their fishing careers have mainly been limited to the government docks down here on the Rideau.
I'm excited to take them to some of the old fishing spots we use to hit back when I was little!
Take care, hope to see some of you out this summer!
great story and welcome! thanks for sharing an introduction.
Hello - I'm Don. 45 yrs old, my wife loves to fish but she leaves the fishing trips to me and my son (18). We have been going to Canada fishing since he was a young boy, and before that, I always went fishing with my father and grandfather to Ontario. So I guess I have been fishing in Canada for about 35 years each summer. Have fished Rice Lake, Dalrymple, Pigeon Lake, Buckhorn, Big Gull Lake, and up until two years ago Gogama Lodge. Last year was our first venture into Quebec and we absolutely love the scenery, solitude and the accommodations at Ogascanan.
We are heading out on Friday and have planned a 4 day trip to Ogascanan at the southern outpost. Will generate a trip report if I can figure out the picture uploading feature.
My wife and I have been married for 20 years today...have a son (18) and two daughters (15 and 10). We have a small camp on a small lake in the southern Adirondacks (only bass and bluegill) so a trip to catch walleye, pike and Lakers is a treat. Honestly, getting our gear together, shopping list for groceries and planning our meals is half the fun.
Any suggestions for "hot spots" in Ogascanan are appreciated: we hit the white "soap bottles" in the big bay north of Smith Pass, the rocks on the southern end and other rocks on the east side of the lake before Smiths Pass, so we are looking to explore more this weekend. Can't wait!!!
This is a great board and look forward to seeing your reports as well.
Have a great Summer everyone.
Welcome aboard,Don !!!
Hello folks,
My name is Pete but been called Ziggy for decades now. I stumbled on this site looking for info about my trip to lake Ogascanan this summer. I thought its only proper to introduce myself since people have been kind enough to help with info and advice.
I'm 54 and live in upstate NY, raised by 2 Latvian immigrant parents who along with relatives and friends instilled a love for the outdoors in my family and myself. I've been fortunate to meet a beautiful woman and have 2 children that along with a career as a teacher for 29 years make my often say "I'm living a dream" . My passions include hunting, fishing, playing /coaching rugby and other outdoor activities. Having very "Outdoorsy" relatives in the Hamilton area of Canada I grew up hearing stories about places like Lake Simcoe and other adventures and always wanted to try a Canadian fishing trip.
I'm lucky my wife understands my need to be outdoors either hunting or fishing , so with my sons graduation from HS I figured a trip to Canada would make a great gift for him ( and me:) ) I stumbled onto the website for Lake Ogascanan , several years ago and finally after years of contemplating decided to try this location. Ginny Mullens has been extremely helpful with booking the trip and answering all of my questions, some of which I'm sure might leave her scratching her head. Hopefully this trip will become an annual event for years to come.
Thank you to all of you that have offered advice by responding or by your informative ,and enjoyable, posts of trips past. Ziggy
My name is Ben. I am a 29 year old special education teacher. Most of my older relatives call me Benny. You may call me what up like. My wife and I reside in North Carolina and we love to fish! Remember to fish for bass when the dogwoods bloom!
My grandfather (The Big Man) started fishing in the Kipawa area before I was born. Later, he took Johnny Walleye on his first trip. Johnny and I go every year. This year we are even taking our wives.
I have camped and fished as long as I can remember. I enjoy backpacking, occasionally hunting, and being near water. I also have interests in chickens, bees, and explicit/direct instruction of mathematics.
Take care,
The Bushman
Welcome to the site Benny
Hi Gang,
Patrick here. I have been going up to lake Kipawa now for 4 years. I take my son with me to Cedar Valley Lodge. Neno and Marjana treat us like roylalty. They are lovely people.
I would love to share hot spots on the lake for walleye and pike with other members.
I live near Hamilton, Ontario in a town called Waterdown.
Thanks and tight lines.
Hey fisherman. This is Bob and I just joined he group and do not know why I didn't join sooner. My son and I have bene traveling from the Cleveland Ohio area for since 2010 to Taggart Bay Lodge for week of fishing and bonding. We head back up in one week (wish it was this week during the RNC!) for our 7th trip. Have to say the best part of the trips has been sharing and watch my son acquire the love of fishing and gain the appreciation of the beauty of the Kipawa region.
I'm originally from the Chicago area and love those sports teams, but it was great to see the city of Cleveland finally get an AHL and NBA champion this year. I am in the financial services industry and love the fact that cell reception is generally challenged at TBL so I feel great turning the phone off!
Hi & Welcome Bob.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the Forum - fun folks, with lots of humour & knowledge. Have a great trip to TB.
Best of Luck, Ray.
Glad to have you.
Welcome Bob. My crew is heading up this coming Friday. We will be a Smith Bay. Maybe we will run into you.
Hello everyone!
I am a resident of Cambridge, Ontario.
I work at a Toyota car manufacturing plant, and when I am not stuck in the factory I love to be outside.
When I met my wife she had been going to kipawa for years with her family. After seeing the place I immediately fell in love. We signed up for the old forum, and spent 8yrs lookin for the right camp to buy. Made a couple offers on places, and even had made an agreement to buy the Landreau outfitters outpost camp on Mackenzie off the previous owner, sadly that fell thru...
Finally we bought a camp in Ontario, on the lower French river.
3 seasons later...we are back!
We are considering selling our current place and looking again in kipawa.
Hope this time we find what we are looking for.
Although this time we realize that we can do with much less than we were looking for before.
We may even consider an empty lot, or a lot with bunkie etc.
Fingers crossed we come across something!
Cheers everyone!
Quote from: knuckles on August 05, 2016, 12:22:44 PM
Hello everyone!
I am a resident of Cambridge, Ontario.
I work at a Toyota car manufacturing plant, and when I am not stuck in the factory I love to be outside.
When I met my wife she had been going to kipawa for years with her family. After seeing the place I immediately fell in love. We signed up for the old forum, and spent 8yrs lookin for the right camp to buy. Made a couple offers on places, and even had made an agreement to buy the Landreau outfitters outpost camp on Mackenzie off the previous owner, sadly that fell thru...
Finally we bought a camp in Ontario, on the lower French river.
3 seasons later...we are back!
We are considering selling our current place and looking again in kipawa.
Hope this time we find what we are looking for.
Although this time we realize that we can do with much less than we were looking for before.
We may even consider an empty lot, or a lot with bunkie etc.
Fingers crossed we come across something!
Cheers everyone!
@knuckles welcome to the forum!
There are many vacant lots available in the red pine area.
Good luck with your search!
Hi there,
Name is Patrick from Waterdown, Ontario. Lived here for 7 years, prior to that was in Montreal.
Married with two kids. 43 years old and an Investment Advisor with TD Wealth.
I have been going to Kipawa for 4 years but must say that I am still a newbie when it comes to knowing where to fish this lake.
I enjoy reading your posts and learning from them.
I am happy to share what little knowledge I have on the lake.
Hi Gang
Surfing away here on this wintery day Snowing and blowing hat happened to April?
Found this site and had to join.
I hope no one will hold it against me LOL But I bought a camp on Lac Temiskaming last year.
Took possession in August Lots of water to explore
Got into some pretty good fishing over there for Walleye and some Smalmouth Bass
Nothing huge in the Walleye dept but lots to eat. I did get a couple honest 5 lb Smallies
Looking to find some Pike and Lakers this year
Anxious to get back up there
Won't be long
My name is Brandon. I'm from Pennsylvania (north of the "burgh") but now live in North Carolina. I'm a teacher and coach. My grandfather, uncle, father and my self have been going the Canada fishing for over 30 years. We started at Kipawa in the mid- 80's (can't remember the name of the lodge, only that it had horseshoe pits and a pool table in the main lodge). Then went to Andy's (Watson) in the 90's. Then life and family got in the way of the trips till the early 00's. My grandfather and uncle have pasted and now it's just dad and I, and I've promised myself come heck or high water I'm never missing our yearly trip. We re-started are yearly in Ontario and never done the fly-in thing but, the lure and the memories of the Watson area has really drawn us full circle......
@Muchadoaboutnothin, you will find a number of folks here are from 'north of the burgh' or live there, including our administrator.
What part of NC are you calling home?
I have a brother in law that lives there (he's also a member of our Kipawa crew).
Quote from: Muchadoaboutnothin on May 08, 2017, 08:51:14 PM
Then went to Andy's (Watson) in the 90's. Then life and family got in the way of the trips till the early 00's. My grandfather and uncle have pasted and now it's just dad and I, and I've promised myself come heck or high water I'm never missing our yearly trip. We re-started are yearly in Ontario and never done the fly-in thing but, the lure and the memories of the Watson area has really drawn us full circle......
@Muchadoaboutnothin Hey Brandon, our group has been going to Watson since 1988 (and some before that). Love that place! Are you going this year?
Hello, my name is Remo. I live in Mississauga, Ontario.
I mainly fish for walleye in Ontario, but also target salmon and trout on the Great Lakes.
Only fished on Lake Kipawa once many years ago.
This may be the year I get back there. I have a week of vacation at the end of July and looking for a place to relax and do some fishing.
Cheers !
Quote from: bucknbull on January 27, 2018, 11:08:07 AM
Hello, my name is Remo. I live in Mississauga, Ontario.
I mainly fish for walleye in Ontario, but also target salmon and trout on the Great Lakes.
Only fished on Lake Kipawa once many years ago.
This may be the year I get back there. I have a week of vacation at the end of July and looking for a place to relax and do some fishing.
Cheers !
Welcome!! Most relaxing place I've fished.
Hey Remo! Welcome to the Board...lots of good conversation and information here.
Thanks for the greetings.
Seems like a pretty cool bunch here.
Hope to meet some of you in person one day.
Cheers !
Hi all! My first day here
Thanks to those who run the site, and for the info that everyone has shared!
A friend fishes Kipawa every year and has told me how great it is, so my father, a couple of friends, and I will be going for the first time in a few months! Really looking forward to it!
I grew up in Southern Ontario, and now live near Parry Sound.
After a day in the office working in IT, there's nothing better than getting away from that in the great outdoors!
Welcome BroadbentBob - where will you be staying while on Kipawa? and when will you be there?
You will find lots of helpful people here.
@BroadbentBob, I'm assuming you live near Broadbent. Im not too far from the ball diamond. Know of any good back lakes in the area? I fish Blackwater Lake often.
Quote from: Greg on March 16, 2018, 02:39:29 PM
Welcome BroadbentBob - where will you be staying while on Kipawa? and when will you be there?
Thanks Greg!
Staying at Kipawa Lodge May 25-28
Quote from: Balsams on March 17, 2018, 12:05:53 PM
@BroadbentBob, I'm assuming you live near Broadbent. Im not too far from the ball diamond. Know of any good back lakes in the area? I fish Blackwater Lake often.
Lol, I do so, small world! I'm right downtown! Baha.
There's supposed to be a great lake near Inholmes, I'll hafta check the name. I've heard you have to cross some private land and need permission. Lemme follow up
I usually go out on Manitouwabing since it's easy to get to. Maple in Orrville a couple of times a year, and Isabella long ago. I've only snowmobiled across Blackwater, haven't fished it yet
Welcome to
@McKenzies wife - lots of great info and people on the board... feel free to introduce yourself and your interest in Kipawa and maybe when you will be returning next?
Well I'm a contractor from Ontario but i have had a cottage in jawbones bay since 1975.
My dad built it when we were kids, now it's just me and the Mrs.
I find myself spending my free time thinking about the cottage so I decided to move up to the lake and start a new business.
I have 4 kids a wife and a dog . If your on the lake I'll be easy to spot, I will be the guy on the barge cruising at 10mph with his feet up catching some Ray's.
My name is Joey and I can move anything anywhere on the lake.
Welcome aboard Barge guy.Great to have another cottage owner on the board. I have a place on the other end of the lake at Red Pine Chutes. Looks like you know the lake. How about the fishing? Take a look around the board, lots of interesting information and characters. Don't be afraid to ask us anything, lots of knowledge here.
Welcome Barge Guy!
Hi all!
First time writing on the Forum. I've been fishing the Kipawa for a few seasons now and decided to introduce myself.
I'm from Ottawa and I've had a few fishing trips to several outfitters on the Kipawa: Landriault Outfitter (a few times), 3 Season Camp (last year), Taggart Bay Lodge (going this year, 2nd week of June 2019).
I'll try to do some fishing reports and add some pics of our previous trips.
Looking forward reading about other's fishing trips, tricks, etc.
Fish On!
@StephK !
You're just up the road from us, hope you haven't been flooded out this spring.
Take care and have a great season.....
Welcome to the board
@goodtimes !!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Welcome to the board
@Chrispy !!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Thanks so much Greg!!
My name is Chris Brenner, live in Windsor On. Fish mainly Erie and St.Clair but go up north and try different lakes and areas. I love fishing for walleye, pike, etc. really anything that swims.
I have been in contact with some camps on Lake Kipawa for our next trip in June. I am pumped to come up your way, Kipawa has been on my fishing bucket list for years!!
Welcome, Chrispy, You'll love Kipawa! When you pick a Lodge let us know. There are lots of people with knowledge of the various areas of the lake who are willing to help you be successful.
Hi Chrispy,
I sent you a PM (private message). Have a look.
Welcome to the board Chrispy,from my experience I wouldn't go back in June for various reasons.
Quote from: Chumy77 on August 29, 2019, 07:31:55 PM
Welcome to the board Chrispy,from my experience I wouldn't go back in June for various reasons.
Chummy I've been chatting with him in the OFC forums and pointed him here. I also explained to him how bad the bugs can be in June and recommended late July early August as the best time to go.
Glad to see you took my advice Chris. You'll learn a lot about Kipawa from this site and the folks here.
Thank you all for the welcome and the info....I really hope that our group will book a camp on Kipawa, it has been an area that I have wanted to fish for years....Last few years we have been in Crystal Falls in the spring, the bugs are bad and the fishing slow so hoping a change will work out for us...thanks again all!
welcome to the board Chrispy.
Do I know you from some other Ontario sites?
Hey everyone. I'm Roger and I am super excited to be heading up to Kipawa this Thursday. I have spent many weeks up there during my childhood and we would always stay at White pine lodge. Unfortunately with the owner Bill passing this past year the lodge is not currently renting out cabins, so my buddy Tony and both of my little guys Nikolas(7yrs) and Markus(9yrs) are heading to Alwaki for a quick 3 day stint.
I hope things go well and that we can find a few spots in order to pull in a few walleye's at least enough for on dinner and enough to convince Tony to come back next summer for a full week.
I don't know that part of the lake as I use to fish on the other side by the narrows od sandbanks ,So if anyone has any pointers to give please let me in on a few.
Thanks and I love reading about everyones adventures out here on the forum.
Welcome to the board
@Willie !!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Thanks Nancy for the note and your time. Please let me start by saying I have been reading the forum for years and enjoy it very much. I have been fishing lake Kipawa for 28 years and I have learned a lot from everyone else's post's and trip reports. I wanted to be able to contribute to the trip report section, and that is what lead me to join. Thanks again for all the info everyone has provided over the years.
Welcome, Willie! Where have you been fishing on the Lac?
Thanks Oarin . I started my trips on hunter lake at White Birch Point Lodge, back when Rupert Mongrain owned it. Spent several years there up to and even after the sale. Visited Brian and Tina at Alwaki for a few years, and one week at Sasseginaga. Then a few years at Taggart Bay Lodge. My latest trip this year and first time there was at Cedar Valley Lodge which was last week with my grandson. I plan to do a trip report about it as I have seen people ask about the lodge on this forum. I have always called Lake Kipawa home even though I reside in Ohio. She has a way of putting a hold on you.
Welcome...lot of Ohioans on here. Where do you call home?
Thanks T-Bone. I live in Southington. It’s a small town west of warren. You may get a kick outa this when my first grandson was born I gave him the nickname of T-Bone. He’s all grown up now but I still call him that. I am a production manager in Akron at a plastics factory. 5 children 7 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Welcome to the board
@JBWally65 !!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Welcome to the board,
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Welcome to the fun folks!
Welcome to the board,
@Smarty Pantz and
@Steeline Tony!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Quote from: Administrator on December 12, 2019, 12:52:39 PM
Welcome to the board, @gordy28ca, @Raymond, @Walleyeguy!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Thanks Nancy - long time lurker here. My name is Andrew and I live in the Greater Toronto Region. Big outdoors guy and I have been doing fishing trips for the last 15 years or so. Our first ever trip was a toss up between Lady Evelyn Lake and Lake Ogascanan which I how I first stumbled into this (well the old version) of this forum
My newest passion is my fishing kayak and getting on the water with my daughter - hence I am looking at Kipawa and some of the surrounding lakes for 2020 or 2021
Welcome to the board
@Peter Baker !!
FYI... Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to... tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
New member here! 68 years old from York County PA and also have a house in Southern DE where I crab, hunt, and fish. I got out of the Navy in late 73 and made my first Quebec fishing trip in 74, from 74 to 2002 never missed a year with all of the early trips to LaVerenderie Park tent camping then a few fly ins to Gouin Reservoir and finally the last 3 of those to Kipawa. After a 17 year halt due to parents health (they are both gone but they each made it to 90) last year my brother and I plus his son in law went to Ogascanon and researching that is how I discovered this forum. I've been looking at it off and on and finally decided to join, who knows when I get back to Kipawa region but I certainly hope so. I'll post more if you want but don't want to be too long winded.
Welcome to the board
@Jpetrik Hope you all the posts!
Take care everyone:
Hey everybody,
Just got accepted as a member. My name is Laurent. I am from Montreal. My brothers and father started doing a yearly fishing trip a few years ago, that ended up with us going to the Gouin reservoir a few times. I'm usually the one that organises the trip based on what I want to try and what the others are trying to do. So 2019 we went to the Gouin for the second time and the outfitter's road was so bad we had to walk the last few KMs. The fishing was good and we had a good time. However, for 2020, my dad asked me to find a place that would be easy to get to, not where we have to do 300kms of gravel road and walk a few KMs to get there and he wanted a place with electricity for his sleep apnea machine as he was getting grumpier and grumpier as the trip went on lol. My younger brother, who is still in school, asked to pay his way this year (we usually split the trip 3 ways instead of 4 because of my brother being a student), so I had to find a budget friendly option. I landed on chalet Diane's website, read a few forum posts and watched a few youtube videos and booked a trip for 2020. Fortunately, we were able to go in spite of the COVID situation . We had a great trip. The fishing was pretty good, no gravel road exceot Chalet Diane's driveway. Ville-Marie and Temiscaming are about a 30 minute drive away. The cabins were very clean and comfy with TV, WIFI, cell signal and electricity. We had a cold front shut down a few days of fishing and some gorgeous days with no wind or clouds (which aren't the best for walleye fishing) but we still managed to catch a lot of bass, a good lot of walleyes, some lakers and a couple pikes.
So we decided to go back this year. When I told my brother the info for this year's trip, he said Kipawa was a great place but fishing was a little hard. I said: dude you caught a 9 pound laker what the f... are you complaining about the fishing for!
I stumbled on your forum and decided to join to discuss the fishing in the area and whatnot. I am a member in the pecheqc one as well. My first language is french so please don't mind if you see some errors.
Welcome to the forum,Laurent! You'll find a lot of useful info on this site about Kipawa. I stay at Taggart Bay Lodge, not to far from where you were. There are many excellent lodges to choose from.
Well, been accepted on Board for about a week now. Feel like I better get a little more involved and introduce myself. I have always since the start of computerism gone by Plowjock. When I retired in 1996, I had been working at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa for 22 years. I was the Herdsman in the National Dairy Showcase. Over my time in the Barn, never had much opportunity to get into fishing. My in-laws had a cottage on Gananoque Lake. This was a great Bass and Crappie lake, but I only ever caught 1 decent fish out of it, a 5lber LMB.
Just before retirement, got back into fishing, mainly Large Mouth Bass and crappies. Since this time have gone through 4 boats, starting with a 16 'Voyager Discovery SC with a 30hp Johnson. Next up was a Crestliner 1650 FishHawk SC with a 90 hp Evinrude. Sold that to a lad up in Rouyon Noranda QC.Got myself into a Bass Cat Puma with a 250 HO Rude on it. Played around in tournaments for about 10 years. Finally got too soon old too late smart, got out of tournament fishing, sold the Puma and bought my last boat a Lund 1625 Fury XL SS pretty well fully tricked out. Bimini top, Ulterra trolling motor, and a couple HB 9in Graphs. I try to get out a couple times a week chasing Small Mouth Bass now but interested in fishing Lakers and Walleyes. Been to Cuba twice and have a 10 lb LMB from there as well as another one from Florida. I've got 2 good ol fishing buddies, one of whom invited me up to Kipawa Lake this summer. We'll be up in early to mid July at the North end of lake, SmithBay Outfitters. Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere along the waterlines. When not plowjock I go by Brian Harrington from Ottawa. I will hit the 3/4 of a Century Mark this summer. Plowjock came from being involved in Agriculture and still playing hockey for over 50 years. It's sure as heck been a great ride through life so far. Only issues Type 2 diabetic for 20 years, under control and a Heart attack just 3 years past with a stent slipped in place. Roaring and good to go for another hopefully 20 years. I've been married for over 50 years, 3 grown up children and 2 Grandsons in their late teens.
Welcome plowjock, I am located between Renfrew and Cobden. I stay at Alwaki lodge every year.
@plowjock ... I (like ozzy) also stay at alwaki every year. I have 2 trips planned to Kipawa this year (1 in late June and 1 in late July) and am thinking of doing a 3rd in September.
I visited Smiths Bay outfitters camp a couple years ago on a "touring day" - what a beautiful place and location - the owner lets us come on shore and he showed us one of the cabins... it was HUGE and roomy and looked like a great place to stay.
I live in Ottawa (east end actually in Orleans) and every weekend I usually fish the Ottawa river between Orleans and Hawkesbury.
I've done a few tournaments also, nothing like a full series though. Also a type 2 diabetic. Still working (at least another 12 years I think) but intend to do more and more fishing every year (...its nice to have goals).
Thanks for the welcome to the Kipawa Board. Our first trip is planned for early July 2021.
Might also be going back up later in the year, depends.
You have to have goals and something to keep you busy in retirement.
I know of about a dozen guys from the Farm who had nothing going on after they retired.
They didn't collect a pension cheque for more than 15 months. They were at Rest.
Keep active, keep busy. dementia loves an idle mind.
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to join. From Huntsville, Ontario and an avid hunting and fishing family. Looking forward to getting on the Lake this spring. It's been too long
Welcome to the board, both of you. You'll find a wealth of info. and helpful people here. When you know where you're heading to let us know.
Hi everybody, thanks for the site. I've spent 15 years in Temagami on fishing trips with some guys from work and 12 years or so renting usually 2 cottages a year with my wife and two girls all over Ontario. We finally decided to find a place of our own and now have a spot on Kipawa. I've been a paramedic for 26 years and have 4 year left to retire...luckily the shift work allows me tons of time off and so will be up a lot this year. If you see a black Hewescraft with a white E-tec hanging off the back, pull me over to chat. Tommy
Welcome Tommy. You'll love Kipawa.
Quote from: Rheal on April 05, 2021, 10:18:54 AM
Hi everybody, thanks for the site. I've spent 15 years in Temagami on fishing trips with some guys from work and 12 years or so renting usually 2 cottages a year with my wife and two girls all over Ontario. We finally decided to find a place of our own and now have a spot on Kipawa. I've been a paramedic for 26 years and have 4 year left to retire...luckily the shift work allows me tons of time off and so will be up a lot this year. If you see a black Hewescraft with a white E-tec hanging off the back, pull me over to chat. Tommy
Welcome to the board and the lake. where are you set up? I have my camp at Red pine. Been here for almost ten yrs. let's share an ale sometime.
Welcome to the forum Tommy, glad to hear you found a place on the lake!
Hey Puckster, were are over by Miwapanee but it sounds like most of you are over in the southeast arm. PM me some dates when you are up there and I'll make the trip over to meet up...always thirsty!
Quote from: Rheal on April 07, 2021, 10:12:04 AM
Hey Puckster, were are over by Miwapanee but it sounds like most of you are over in the southeast arm. PM me some dates when you are up there and I'll make the trip over to meet up...always thirsty!
I'm at the extreme east end of the lake. That's about an hour and change. Welcome by. I'll be here most of the summer. going south for a few days here and there. C'mon down lol
Welcome to the board
@Old troller FYI: Check out the rules of the board in the rules section.
Introduce yourself if you want to: EG -> tell us where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!
Enjoy the forum:
Hi Friends, I'm new to the forum and new to Kipawa. I've fished the Ottawa Valley mostly and enjoy lake trout and walleye fishing. I connected with a lady who has a cottage on a small lake (Lac Honorat). It is near Fugereville and my understanding is it is about 15 minutes from Kipawa. I figure I'll be spending a lot of time up there and I'm pretty pumped to get out fishing this spring!
I'd like to thank everyone for the wealth of info on this site. I have a lot of reading to do and will hold off on asking questions right now as I'm betting most/all have already been answered.
Hi All - I have approved 5 or 6 new members over the past 24 hours - if you are new, please introduce yourself and where you fish and your connection to Kipawa!! Thx... Greg
Hi everyone, just did a round of new member approvals.
So sorry to all you new members for the delay in this, we've had a busy summer...please feel free to say hi, introduce yourselves and join in on the conversations!
Im Bruce Beckman and a young 77 years old. I grew up on Lake Erie so naturally fishing is in my blood after spending endless days on the lake. I first started fishing in Kipawa 1961 and used to take 30 day canoe trips with a friend in August for 5 years and traveled to a hundred plus lakes in the area. The draft called me in 1965 so joined the Navy and spent 24 years. I then worked for NASA for twenty years and retired and stay bored!! I live in Gulfport Mississippi on the gulf coast and have continued to journey back to the Kipawa area every summer. It?s not like it used to be in the Kipawa area but everything changes. I?ll continue to return as long as I can breath. Everyone have a great day and keep fishing!
Just did a round of approvals.....
Please welcome
@cdn_traveller and
@On point to the forum!
I have only been a member for around 3 years, but I have been going to the Kipawa area for going on 35 years. What an amazing place!!! Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the approval to join the group. That felt like the lazy walleye nibblin' on a dead leach! It takes a while, but a true fisherman has patience! ;)
I've been coming to Kipawa for close to 40 years. My uncle always had a camp near the entrance to Jawbone Bay and my cousins are at the South end of Jawbone. We've rented at Alwaki for many years, and rented Kipawa Outpost's houseboats for a different experience as well. I bought a place in English Bay in 2018 before retiring in 2021. Loving it every day I can spend there! Great fishing and such a special place! Look for the 2 yellow Muskoka chairs on the point.
Feel free to share your best fishing spots and baits. Lol
Tight lines...
Welcome to our newest member
@SledHead !
So sorry for the delay in approval
@On point, welcome again, and welcome to camp ownership on the lake!
And lastly congrats on your retirement.
Quote from: On point on March 04, 2023, 05:18:45 PM
Thanks for the approval to join the group. That felt like the lazy walleye nibblin' on a dead leach! It takes a while, but a true fisherman has patience! ;)
I've been coming to Kipawa for close to 40 years. My uncle always had a camp near the entrance to Jawbone Bay and my cousins are at the South end of Jawbone. We've rented at Alwaki for many years, and rented Kipawa Outpost's houseboats for a different experience as well. I bought a place in English Bay in 2018 before retiring in 2021. Loving it every day I can spend there! Great fishing and such a special place! Look for the 2 yellow Muskoka chairs on the point.
Feel free to share your best fishing spots and baits. Lol
Tight lines...
Welcome to our newest member
@KipawaWitt !
Enjoy the forum....
Welcome aboard tall tales encouraged. 8)
Quote from: On point on March 04, 2023, 05:18:45 PM
Thanks for the approval to join the group. That felt like the lazy walleye nibblin' on a dead leach! It takes a while, but a true fisherman has patience! ;)
I've been coming to Kipawa for close to 40 years. My uncle always had a camp near the entrance to Jawbone Bay and my cousins are at the South end of Jawbone. We've rented at Alwaki for many years, and rented Kipawa Outpost's houseboats for a different experience as well. I bought a place in English Bay in 2018 before retiring in 2021. Loving it every day I can spend there! Great fishing and such a special place! Look for the 2 yellow Muskoka chairs on the point.
Feel free to share your best fishing spots and baits. Lol
Tight lines...
@On point Can you elaborate on where English bay is?
Quote from: Hodgey1 on April 02, 2023, 08:23:58 PM
Quote from: On point on March 04, 2023, 05:18:45 PM
Thanks for the approval to join the group. That felt like the lazy walleye nibblin' on a dead leach! It takes a while, but a true fisherman has patience! ;)
I've been coming to Kipawa for close to 40 years. My uncle always had a camp near the entrance to Jawbone Bay and my cousins are at the South end of Jawbone. We've rented at Alwaki for many years, and rented Kipawa Outpost's houseboats for a different experience as well. I bought a place in English Bay in 2018 before retiring in 2021. Loving it every day I can spend there! Great fishing and such a special place! Look for the 2 yellow Muskoka chairs on the point.
Feel free to share your best fishing spots and baits. Lol
Tight lines...
Welcome @On point
Chris if you look on the outfitter map you'll see English Bay just to the left of Bronson Isle and above the Miwapanee Lodge text.
Can you elaborate on where English bay is?
A warm welcome to newest member
@J brydges.
Welcome to the board, please feel free to introduce yourself to the rest of the gang.
Good to see a new member! Welcome aboard.
Another warm welcome to
@Jhillz, welcome to the board!
Glad to be here. Heading to Kipawa Saturday
Quote from: Jhillz on May 24, 2023, 09:10:44 PM
Glad to be here. Heading to Kipawa Saturday
Hope you have a great trip!
Quote from: Jhillz on May 24, 2023, 09:10:44 PM
Glad to be here. Heading to Kipawa Saturday
Enjoy your trip. Looking forward to reading your trip report.
Please welcome our newest members:
@Mike71 @fishfearme @Gholtz Please enjoy the forum, feel free to introduce yourselves, and have a great weekend everyone!
Big round of new members!
Please everyone welcome:
@TeamEsox @Dave @dpietrowski @jiggityjames1 @HudsonFisher @damdidino @Chris.p.stewart @JJAY @Spyderspy @Smfisher5136 @Drcarpy @Crane @Mritaly62 Hopefully I didn't miss anyone!
New members, feel free to indtrduce yourselves if you feel comfortable doing so, and please enjoy the forum, we have a lot of great folks here, we hope you enjoy getting to know them.
I also hope everyone has been having a great summer, cheer:
My son in law is helping me as I am computer illiterate. I recently retired from the practice of law and turn age 72 next week. I no longer have staff to rely on. Went to Taggart Bay Lodge for a week at the end of May. This was my first trip to Lake Kipawa after years of fishing Ottawa River and French River. I live in Delaware and the ride to Kipawa really takes two days. We fish the Ottawa on the way. The one thing we missed was moving water. I look forward to learning more about Kipawa. My buddy Rick is 70 years old and we still prefer to cast and will continue to do so until our bodies give out. We fish out of a 16 foot bass boat and thought Kipawa might have a good pike population. No one seems to target pike. We did net a 38 inch pike and the Outpost crew said they netted a 43 inch pike out of Wolf Bay. We fished a lot of bays and made fairly long runs including runs to Smiths Bay and Ace Bay and one long run to Chemagan Bay. Caught a lot of fish .
Welcome to all new members! Like Brent said, this is a great group of people, with lots of knowledge to share.
Welcome to our newest memebers:
@Medic29 @Quaker23 Please feel free to introduce yourselves if you'd like, have a great time exploring our forum!
Warm welcome to
@Flystik, happy to have you join our forum!
Welcome to the following new members:
@Scott Knight @Daddio7018 @Mal @R E BotmaWelcome to the board, we hope you have a great time.....
Welcome everyone!
So many new members its nice to see the community grow.
While we post a lot online we do like to meet each other in person as well.
Looking forward to meeting up with forum members once again this season.
Cheers and wishing everyone a great upcoming season.
Welcome to
@Jhup9296, our newest member!
Thank you! Really appreciate all the info here!!
Welcome to
@Outdoorsguy 1 our latest member to join this great forum.
Have fun poking around all the great posts from other members....
Please help me welcome
@16 footer to the board, they are our latest member to join!
Welcome to out newest member
@Sandman We hope you enjoy this great forum with some many goo folks!
@JoshBender, our newest member!
Please help me welcome
@Wavie to the fun!
@TominOhio to the forum! Enjoy the great community we have here
Good morning
@Murph97SxS and welcome to the forum!
@Hoystuck to KFF, have a great time exploring our site!
To kick off our long weekend, let's welcome
@Reddig1414 to the forum!!
Welcome to the forum
@Big Horn !!
A warm welcome to
@spooch and
@Stevesbizzs1 our two latest member signups!
Have a great time exploring and getting to know our forum
To start off our week, let's help welcome our newest member
Please, new members, don't be shy. Lot of good experience on this board and, if you're new to Kipawa, invaluable to you. Glad to see Jawbone19 come in and ask for help immediately. Without 'support', it'll take you 10-plus years to figure out Lake Kipawa. But then again, you will never really figure it out...ask any of us that've been up there or the area for past 15, 20, 25, 35, 40 years.
To start our week (we had Canada Day up here yesterday to make it a long weekend), please welcome
@Burf to the mix!
Good morning y'all and please help us welcome
@Jchupp12 to the mix!
@walleyedave56 enjoy the forum!
@Mitchb16 is our latest addition to the forum, feel free to introduce yourself if you feel like doing so, have fun exploring all the great post!
Welcome to
@Zellen Clan to the forum, have a great weekend
Quote from: Fort Wisers on July 19, 2024, 01:00:09 PMWelcome to @Zellen Clan to the forum, have a great weekend
Thank you
We are on Strawberry Island within Opemecan Park
Our parents have been on the island since the 70's and now the kids and grandchildren enjoy the cottage and area surrounding
We follow the forum for any updates concerning Lac Kipawa and fishing information
Welcome to
@Trevor and
@Herb our two latest member additions!
Many apologies for the long delay in member approval, I was north at the cabin for two weeks.
Warm welcome to
To kick off our weekend, let's welcome
@OH-troller to the board!
Please help me welcome
@jainscough to the forum!!
@TroutnMuskie Hunter welcome to KFF! Enjoy the many good reads, feel free to introduce yourself if you feel like doing so.
Let's all welcome
@LastHope to the forum, we hope you enjoy!