Hunter's Point, Family Canoe Trip, Sept 5th to Sept 7, 2015

Started by Fort Wisers, September 28, 2015, 06:29:38 AM

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Fort Wisers

Quote from: Dog on October 19, 2015, 02:03:04 PM

that's a tragedy...

Looks like I'm going back again sometime in November so I'll keep my eyes peeled!


[Fort Wisers

Hey @Greg
Yeah there'a actually a fair bit of water even after the church, we didn't go any further than the church but I'd like to go spend more time here.
Never fished this area, and I can't say I know anyone who has (most of my friends/family has camps and sticks closer to Kipawa Village).
The channel from turtle island to Hunters seems pretty good for boat use.
We saw a few boats go through and while they may not have been running full speed, they certainly didn't look worried about depth.
That being said, we only explored with canoes and these people in their boats are likely local to the area and know the shallow spots like the back of their hands.
Also, as you get closer to the bridge (where bearn road crosses) the channel gets narrow and there are a few camps dotted along the shore so I'd want to slow down out of respect for their places.

Joe and I are talking about making a boat trip next year as well, maybe we'll have to put together a "floatilla" and go explore!
When you go up to turtle island by boat, how do you go up? Do you go by turtle darn or up near lac bedout?

Fort Wiser,

Fishing is top notch around the Hunters Point area. Heck, fishing off the dock has netted me great results.