June 8-11 Kipawa Outpost

Started by Magic Mike, June 12, 2017, 02:56:08 PM

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Magic Mike

What a beautiful lake, it was only my second time there but I miss it already. We had fun, 9 guys (boys really!) 2 houseboats, 3 16 ft Princecrafts, drinks, nice weather...anyway you get the picture. We left our place in Masham at 6h30 am got to Kipawa around 11 am after stopping for breakfast at Irving in Pembroke and groceries at the IGA in Kip. Loaded our gear and headed up the lake. Took about 2 hours to get to our first stop for the night, east of Ile au Corbeau. Now I don't know all the spots or names so bear with me when I try to explain where we were Lol!!!! Anyway started looking for walleye around 3pm and found them right close to where we parked the houseboats, which was great. Caught enough for our shore lunch that evening all in about 15 fow, bottom bouncing a worm for the most part with a slow death hook. Others caught some in 25 fow with a walleye rig (black or blue), so not really easy to understand what was going on with the eyes!!!

Woke up next morning at 6, on the lake at 6h30 with coffee and headed up north to fish around Fox island. Not much luck there, caught some, but too small, so we came back down to our spot the night before and hooked a laker in 25 fow trolling for walleye. WELL it almost ripped my 6.6 ft St-Croix out of my hand, it honestly took like 5 minutes to bring this laker in. I only had 8 lbs test so I took it easy, ended up weighing only 4-5 lbs but nevertheless what a fight!!!! It's back in the water so hope one of u catches it and hope it does not like your boat when it sees it either Lol!!!!

Left that spot with the houseboats and made our way to Hunters to see if we could find a spot to park for the afternoon and night. I figured I would try for lakers since they were bitting, so we trolled north west shore and caught another one 200 ft back on a Sutton (on monel trolling wire), at 1.8 mph. Back in she went for one of you to hook.

The rest of the trip was good, except the wind on our way back sunday. I honestly thought at some point that my denture was going to fly out of my mouth if I spoke haha!!!! Overall nice trip, caught fish, ate some and brought some back, and did we have fun! and that's what its all about.

Like I said earlier, miss it already.


ohhhh, these trip reports are sounding so GREAT!

Congrats on a great trip Magic Mike... always wanted to try the houseboat route... maybe someday!



Nice...we know the area you were fishing. Was on Lac Grindstone (gotta get down there) a couple years ago early-June. Fishing was silly good, but that was only the encore for last year at Alwaki late-July. Silly stupid good. I've heard the same thing...'eyes come out of the Red Pine Chutes area and work up NW. Same out of northern part of lake...come out from the NE. That area is so good. Hopefully this year, it'll be silly stupid ridiculous good.  :P

Thanks for the report.
Embrace every moment...you only get it once


 Sounds like a great trip. So happy you guys had a great time.
Days spent fishing don't count against life :)


Very encouraging to finally start reading some reports.

Thanks for posting
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle

Magic Mike

Hey T-Bone, not familiar with Red Pine Chute area, is it east of lake Grindstone?


In short...yes. Ask Puckster...I think he knows where it is...  ;D
Embrace every moment...you only get it once


It's at the extreme east end of the lake McLauglan lake area.
Days spent fishing don't count against life :)

Magic Mike

Oh yes, I know where that is. Our hunt camp is a bit further away on Lake La Garde.



For those that don't know Red Pine is the last bridge you would go under (red pine road in a previous post referred to off the manawaki around the 35 km mark) before you start making your way up to Ragged Chute and years ago you could put your boat on a rail car system (to go around the rapids) and onwards to lac sairs, and various other lake trout lakes and eventually Turners Falls or you could hand a left and go up to Lac Mckillop and onwards from there.

It is the last spot you will come to the lake on the east end before you start making a portage or two.  Unfortunately you can drive to most of the spots now but there are still a few left that remain remote.


Quote from: crackers42 on June 13, 2017, 04:09:15 PM

For those that don't know Red Pine is the last bridge you would go under (red pine road in a previous post referred to off the manawaki around the 35 km mark) before you start making your way up to Ragged Chute and years ago you could put your boat on a rail car system (to go around the rapids) and onwards to lac sairs, and various other lake trout lakes and eventually Turners Falls or you could hand a left and go up to Lac Mckillop and onwards from there.

It is the last spot you will come to the lake on the east end before you start making a portage or two.  Unfortunately you can drive to most of the spots now but there are still a few left that remain remote.

Oh my god.
So?  Internet is not spoiling the fishing but progress is. :(
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


Great report!   Thank you.
Sounds like you had a good time.

It is good to start seeing the reports come in.