
Started by rambler, August 12, 2015, 04:06:18 PM

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Hi All, I'm going to try and get some sort of report out here. Its been nuts since we got home with our flooded basement and work. Here goes. This could be summed up by saying our 2 week stay was the tale of two weeks. The 1st week walleyes were being caught in all the usual places, just a lot shallower than than years prior. The average depth was +/- 15'.  I actually was catching walleyes way in the back of bays in 6-7 ft. while we were fishing for pike???? The walleye to bass ratio for that 1st week was about 2 or 3 walleye to 1 bass. I think it was Saturday at the end of our 1st week that a hugh thunderstorm rolled through and then it got hot. I'm talkin' Africa hot! I think we had 2 or 3 days of 90 degrees + and the walleye bite just died. The walleye to bass ratio flip flopped. We actually took a few car rides to Temiscaming and Ville Marie to shop and ride in the air conditioning. By the way....there is a nice tackle shop in a gas station/tire store in Ville Marie. I've never seen so many lures and different colors of lures geared for walleye, pike and lake trout. Its worth checking out if you get up that way. As far as a fish count...total was +/- 160 fish. Bass and walleye about even, the rest pike and lake trout. Biggest fish were my 8lb. pike caught while trolling for trout and me and Ellen both landing 20" bass. Most walleye were in the 16-19" range. we caught 2 or 3 in the 20-22" range. We had a great time visiting with our friends who rebook the same time every year and also got the chance to meet DOG and his crew. Very nice cedar strip boat by the way. The camp and boats as usual were great and we got the chance to spend some time with Yves if we could get him to quit working. All in all another great 2 weeks at TBL. Sorry about the short report. I'm doing it on the fly. Send me a pm if you want a copy of the trip dvd.


Hi Rich, glad you had a good time. I hope your basement is coming along. It was great meeting up with you and Ellen again and thanks for the Sunday coffee. With all the stuff I bring to camp I'm pretty much prepared for even the Zombie apocalypse, but I forgot WATER!!!! No coffee Sunday AM without you and Ellen. Looking forward to the DVD. Thanks for the report and tell Ellen Hi. I'll be heading back on the 21st for another week with my "old" friend Jim. Oarin.


Hey BLADE, Had a great time with you and John checking out the new supermarket in Temiscaming. One of the reasons we keep going back to TBL is not only the great service but the friendships we have made along the way. I think on our 1st week we knew people in 6 of the 13 cabins. We just had a ball! The only thing missing was Tom & Linda Miller, but we got the next best thing because their sons Mike and Rodger were in the cabin next to ours. Next year be more careful coming across queens bay on a windy day.


Yeah, Queen's Bay was a dumb thing to do that day. Luckily, it laid down for the trip back to the Outpost. Blade huh, see you next year Ramblerette !!


Hey Rambler,
It was great to actually meet you and Ellan. 
I want to also say thanks for use of the cushion;  there's nothing like almost 2,000 miles of sitting to find out how bony your rearend can get after dropping some weight.


The tackle store in Ville Marie has a large selection of fishing tackle, boat supplies etc on the first level.  On the second level is all your hunting equipment.  This store also sells auto stuff too.  Its better then any Canadian Tire with better service.  A few of the outfitters shop here.  There is a wooden bear in front