How to Change your Theme

Started by Administrator, February 23, 2024, 08:28:48 AM

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The theme is the overall look, feel and color scheme for the board and these can now be changed individually. If you don't set a personal theme then you will simply see KFF displayed as what ever theme the admin group has set as the default.

Here's a little step by step on how to change your personal theme for KFF.

Step 1.
Under your profile drop down, select "Look and Layout":

Kip Themes 1.jpg

Step 2.
Under this menu you can select your personal Current theme, select the "Change" button to see what themes you can choose from:

Kip Themes 2.jpg

Step 3.
Scroll through the themes and find the one you like, in this example you can see I'm selecting the DarkCaramel theme. When ready, Hit the "Use This Theme" button:

Kip Themes 3.jpg

Step 4.
Don't miss this step!! Now you must save your profile changes to actually make the change your profile settings! Scroll down and press the "Change Profile" button:

Kip Themes 4.jpg

Step 5.
You are done! Success, you may return Home and explore KFF in your new theme:

[attach id=311 width=800 height600]Kip Themes 5.jpg[/attach]

If you decide you don't like the them, you can always change it to another or simply change to go back to the Board Default theme.

Have Fun!