Adding pictures to posts now easier

Started by Administrator, June 27, 2015, 11:10:04 AM

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It is now much easier to add pictures to posts. All you have to do is click on the "Tinypic" logo and it opens up a window that lets you chooses a file and pick whether it is an image or video. Then click upload now. Then click add to post under the line of code for the picture.  It will put in the code for the image in the post window and you can move it where you like in your post or type in your info around it. If you have any issues with it, please let me know.




Wow Nancy!!!! Even I can do that. Thanks!! Can you add it to the permanent ones at the top so it's easy to access?

600 miles north


very easy to use, Should make uploading pics easier for everyone. Takes a bit longer to load than using photo bucket... at least this try did, but awesome none the less

600 miles north is where I'd rather be!


 Looks good Nancy TY. I've often had to upload to photobucket then down load it here just to post a picture. Which resolution (resize) did you use for these pics?
Days spent fishing don't count against life :)




Days spent fishing don't count against life :)

john c


Just trying this.


Smile, every one will wonder what you have been up to.


Ok, I did not resize my first picture. I just pulled one out of my pictures to see if this new feature would actually work. And yes, you are right @600 miles north, this does seem to be very slow, but I do think it is easier for folks like @Oarin who calls himself a computer dinosaur. I seriously doubt it is that bad, Oarin. 

Here is a link to the post about resizing pictures.
Then I went on the lookout for something easier. Let me know what you folks think. (This is how I resized the pic below).
1. Go to
2. Click Browse and select a pic from your pic library. (double click)
3. Click Continue
4. Under 2, Resize your picture, select Custom Size, enter 875 (I used 900, it is slightly too large) or slightly smaller in the horizontal box, computer will adjust the pic vertical automatically. ( you can add special effects if you want under number 3)
5. Then click I'm done, resize my pictures.
6. On the next page, click view image if you like, then save to disk. Pay close attention where it is being saved. It will most likely be in your downloads folder.
7. Then select this downloaded pic into Tinypic.




Sorry to all for my dinosaurish skills, but I really want to be able to post pics from this years trips. Last try tonight. Nancy, I hope you took me up to a caveman computer status ! Thanks again for all your help.




Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle